Building html with NoTee is straight forward. This guide shows you, how to build html with NoTee and what sugar it gives you.

Global Functions vs. Method calls

There are two ways, to use NoTee. You can either directly use the methods of the NodeFactory class, or you can use the global.php to use a less verbose syntax. See Use global functions for details.

The syntax is just a little different:


$nodeFactory->div(); // method call
// vs.
_div(); // global function


The tree is built, by defining the children of a node when creating a new node:

    _span('Hallo'), // first child of <div>
    _span('World'), // second child of <div>

You can also provide the children as an array. This is needed for enabling functional constructs (see Imperative vs. Functional) and I would not recommend writing it that way (because it's ugly):


Please note, that this does not conflict with the attribute array (see Attributes). If you provide an attribute array, the attribute array must be the first array in the parameter list.

Generate Result

NoTee generates a node tree. All node types can be casted to a string. Therefore you simply need to convert the tree to a string for getting the result html:

$node = _span();
$html = (string)$node; // $html now contains "<span></span>"

You can also directly echo the node. Because PHP does type juggling, it casts the node tree implicitly to a string:

echo _span();


Nodes are immutable. Therefore they can be reused countable times and without unexpected behaviour:

$node = _span('Hallo ');
_div($node, $node); // this results in: <div><span>Hallo </span><span>Hallo </span></div>


When creating an html node, you can declare the attributes for the the node by providing an associative array as the first argument:


echo _div(
    ['class' => 'container', 'data-something' => 10],
    'Hello World'

This would produce the following output:

<div class="container" data-something="10">Hello World</div>

You can omit the attribute array. The following lines are identical:

_div([], 'Hello World');
_div('Hello World');


To output text, you simply can provide the string as if you would create a child node. NoTee transforms a string into a TextNode in the node tree. The following lines are identical:

_span('Hello World');
_span(_text('Hello World'));

Please note, that both strings are escaped for security reasons. If you need to output HTML, you need to create a RawNode.


If you need to output plain HTML (without escaping) you need to use the raw method:


_span('<br />'); // result in: <span>&lt;br /&gt;</span>
_span(_raw('<br />')); // reuslts in <span><br /></span>

Imperative vs. Functional

In NoTee you can use plain PHP. You can use all control flow constructs that are available in PHP. Nevertheless we would recommend using a functional programming style. If you use a functional programming style, your code will be clearer and less verbose when using NoTee.

For making your live easier, you should use some library, that provides functional methods like map (most important). Which one you use, is really up to you and depends on your personal taste. The following code uses functions from the php library lstrojny/functional-php.

This code uses imperative style for outputting a list of elements:


$items = [1, 2, 3, 4];

$liElements = [];
foreach ($items as $item) {
    $liElements[] = _li($item);

echo _ul(

Yes, this is ugly, and I don't like that. This example produces the same result but uses function style:


use function map;

$items = [1, 2, 3, 4];

echo _ul(
    map($items, fn($item) => _li($item))

Again, it's up to you to choose your style. I would recommend the functional style, but the imperative style also works.